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As we approach these strange, ‘end of days’ where everyone wishes 2019 Summer would reappear. A time where people were doing bottle cap challenges, Watching Game of Thrones final episodes and the only things that died suddenly was provocative twitter profiles, The digital Monarchy of F.A.A.N.G enforcing censorship on everything . Trump appeared as the impossible 45th President of USA thrashing Fake news. George Soros was busy funding the #BLM #metoo Woke and Cancel culture NGO’s and not for profit organisations. It was a more traditional time where only specific people’s and criminals wore masks. And you could go to work with full blown influenza and spread it guilt free. Woke/Cancel culture, toxic masculinity, white privilege and Climate change Greta were all in their initial development. Pronouns were still being decided on, and it was the Marxist # Hashtag was only beginning to rule the screens. The infancy of the Extinction rebellion was still warming up its army of paint throwing...
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